

Whatipū Lodge, Bach and Campground is privately managed by Peter and Ursel under licence from Auckland Council.

The Whatipū Sands area was classified as a Scientific Reserve in 2002 and is one of the most ecologically significant Reserves in Auckland. The landscape is constantly changing. The Scientific Reserve is owned by the Department of Conservation and managed on their behalf by Auckland Council. Auckland Council Rangers are the ‘go-to’ people for information about the Whatipū landscape. Phone Arataki Visitors Centre on 817 0089. Dogs are not permitted on Whatipū Beach.

Friends of Whatipū (FOW) is a group of volunteers formed in 2002 to protect, enhance and advocate for the Whatipū landscape. FOW hold annual activities such as restoration planting, seed collecting, beach clean-up, bird monitoring and an annual FOW weekend stay at Whatipū Lodge with guest speakers. New members are always welcome. Membership is $10 for individuals and $15 for families. In July 2013 FOW stated its aim to release kiwi at Whatipū in the future. Volunteers will be needed to manage predators for many years before kiwi can be released. To become member please see Friends of Whatipū on facebook. Wayne is the present Chairman.

The iwi, Te Kawerau ā Maki are acknowledged as retaining the mana whenua of their ancestral domain in the Southern Waitākere Ranges.

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