Whatipu Road "News"
We just learned that AT is working on one of the slips from mid February.
from Monday 17th February 2025 till beginning of April (weather depending)
Lodge, Bach and Campground remain open
Road will be open
All day Saturday and Sunday
Mo-Fr between 12pm - 1 pm, and after 5.30pm (Friday after 3.30pm ish)
However there will be no access between
8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5.30pm from Monday - Thursday.
8am - 12pm and 1pm - 3.30pm ish on Friday.
(apart from emergency services)
Sorry for the inconvenience.
bookings are essential for long weekends and school holidays
Omanawanui, Caves, Gibbons and Beach tracks are open.
Phone connection is terrible, therefore email and please be patient in regards getting a reply.
Ursel and Peter
ph 09 8118 860 info@whatipulodge.co.nz