Whatipu Campground is open


Whatipu road is OPEN...and the campground is able to be accessed by all vehicles (bookings are essential for long weekends and school holidays) 

Omanawanui, Caves, Gibbons and Beach tracks are open.

Phone connection is terrible, therefore email and please be patient in regards getting a reply. 

Ursel and Peter 

09 8118 860 or info@whatipulodge.co.nz

Friends of Whatipu 

Friends of Whatipu (FOW) is an incorporated group who have knowledge of and links with the Whatipu area and have resolved to act as guardians of the area, helping to preserve its special character and where possible assist the Auckland Council.

FOW have an annual planting day, beach clean-up, seed collecting and a group stay at Whatipū Lodge. Our stay at Whatipū Lodge  has a guest speaker and shared Saturday night meal.

FOW have a long term goal to release kiwi in the Whatipū landscape. It is our intention to be trained for best practise predator control, to rid the region of mammal pests, including, opossums, rats, mustelids (stoats etc), wild cats and for dogs to no longer be taken into the area. Dogs are already banned from the Whatipu Scientific Reserve (being the wetlands and beach area) and yet people still continue to take dogs to the beach.

Kiwi once thrived in the region.

FOW manage a survey of shorebirds and help fund an ongoing predator trapping programme, in cooperation with Auckland Council.

There are about 6 pairs of New Zealand Dotterels found on the tidal dune area of the beach between Whatipu and Karekare. Over 10 years of monitoring FOW have recorded 31 fledged NZ Dotterel chicks. The estimated national population is approximately 2000.

To join Friends of Whatipu please email   info@whatipulodge.co.nz  for details. $10 for individuals and $15 for families.

For more information see our Facebook page - linked here - Friends of Whatipu

Located at the south-western coastal corner of the Waitakere Ranges, Whatipu Lodge has been creating memories for more than a century. Staying at Whatipu Lodge is a little like stepping back into a time when life was slower and unplugged. Simple pleasures of friendship, food, play, exploration and relaxation...

The wide variety of walks available locally offer something for both the beginner and the experienced walker alike. Magnificent views, magical sunsets, moonlit nights or dark night skies and birdlife in its natural habitat are inspirational for any photographer, outdoor enthusiast and adventurer. Whatipu is to be enjoyed rain or shine.


We look forward to seeing you over the summer at Sir Bob Harvey's favourite place to stay.


Whatipu is beautiful, wild and remote with significant Māori associations and many historic sites. There are documented five pa sites, middens, karaka groves and earthworks for gardens recording Māori occupation. Te Kawerau a Maki are acknowledged as retaining the mana whenua of their ancestral domain.



Whatipu Lodge is privately managed by Peter and Ursel.


Whatipu is a scenic journey 42kms from Central Auckland and 25kms from Titirangi Village.



Available activities include TRAMPING, WALKING, FISHING and exploring the nearby caves, dune areas and wildlife sanctuary.



There is no surf patrol at Whatipu. Auckland Council warn against swimming. Special care should be taken when fishing or exploring.



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